Το Τμήμα Βαλκανικών, Σλαβικών και Ανατολικών Σπουδών του Πανεπιστημίου Μακεδονίας σε συνεργασία με το Ίδρυμα "Εγνατία Οδός" διοργανώνει συνέδριο μεταξύ 24 - 26 Φεβρουαρίου με τίτλο "Ο μύθος του Άλλου στα Βαλκάνια: Αναπαραστάσεις, κοινωνικές πρακτικές και επιτελέσεις"
Παρακάτω ακολουθεί το πρόγραμμα:
Thursday 24/02/20118.00-9.00: Registration
9.00-10.00: Opening speeches
I. CHATZIDIMITRIOU, Rector of the University of Macedonia, N. MARANTZIDIS, President of the Department of Balkan, Slavic and Oriental Studies, F. TSIBIRIDOU, Head of the Scientific Committee, and M. VAN ATTEKUM, representative of the Via Egnatia Foundation
10.00-11.00: Common Session - Language and the National Self
Peter MACKRIDGE, University of Oxford and King’s College London. “The Hellenicity of the linguistic Other in Greece”
Victor FRIEDMAN, University of Chicago. “Reconstructing Multilingualism as a Means of Negotiating Otherness in the Balkans: The Anecdotes and Songs of Mark Cepenkov in the Past and Present”
11.00-11.30: Coffee break
11.30-12.30: Common Session - Language and the National Self
Karen VAN DYCK, Columbia University. “Gralbanian and Gringlish”
Dusan BJELIC, University of Southern Maine. “The Return of Oedipus and the Struggle over the Balkan Lands”
13.00-14.30: Lunch
14.30-16.00: Workshops
1. Practicing Citizenship: Migrations
GEORGESCU Catalina, University of Craiova.
“Imagology and the effects of migrants’ portrayal in the media on security within the Balkans”
EVERGETI Venetia, University of Surrey & HATZIPROKOPIOU Panos, University of Surrey.
“On Muslims, Turks and migrants: perceptions of Islam in Greece and the challenge of migration”
VOGLI Elpida, Democritus University of Thrace.
“Defining otherness or defending the myths of Greekness in Contemporary Greece (1990-2010)”
2. Myths, Rituals and Cultural Performances: Mythical Perceptions, Borders and Boundaries
AVDIKOS Evangelos, University of Thessaly, Volos.
“Searching for ‘borders’ and their mythology in Thrace”
DIMITROVA Biljana, Postgraduate researcher, Skopje.
“Popular and avant-garde culture representing the myth of the otherness”
ANTOVA Svetlana, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
“‘We are All Brothers” The Sameness and the Otherness on Bulgarian-Serbian Border (A Case-Study of Kada Boaz Border Fair)”
3. Discourses about the “Other”, Assumptions about the “Self”: Discourses of Otherness in Transition
ANGELIDOU Aliki, Panteion University, & KOFTI Dimitra, University College London.
“Greek (Ad) Ventures in Sofia: National and Neoliberal Myths in the Rising of New Migrant Groups of ‘Expatriates’”
KRAMSCH Olivier Thomas, University of Nijmegen, & SYRRI Despoina, University of Mcedonia.
“Grazing sheep, high speed and wind turbines: the dream of European integration via Corridor X”
PALANTZAS Nikitas, University of Bristol.
“Internal Orientalism: The emergence of stereotypical representations of Eastern Turkey by citizens of Istanbul, in discussions about the European Union”
16.00-16.30: Coffee break
16.30-18.30: Workshops
1. Practicing Citizenship: Migrations
KARAMIHOVA Margarita, Ethnographic Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
“‘The Americans’, ‘The Portuguese’, ‘The Spaniards’ and the Others. Study of Post-Socialist Migrations which Generates Myths of Otherness”
KOKKALI Ifigeneia, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and Université de Marne-la-Vallée.
“Being Albanian in Greece or elsewhere: negotiation of the (national) self in a migratory context”
ZENELAGA Brunilda, State University “Aleksandër Moisiu” Durrës, & KERPACI Kalie, State University “Aleksandër Moisiu” Durrës, & SOTIROFSKI Kseanela, State University “Aleksandër Moisiu” Durrës.
“The immigrant self perception, social status and the myths influence. A comparison study of the Albanian immigrant in Greece and Italy”
HRISTOV Petko, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
“Markers of self identity and the image of the Other in the context of labour mobility in Western Macedonia”
2. Myths, Rituals and Cultural Performances: Mythical Perceptions, Borders and Boundaries
MILLAS Hercules, University of Athens.
“The Other Town: How the Greeks and the Turks perceive a mythical neighbor”
TODOROVA Bogdana, Bulgarian Academy of Science.
“Bulgarian Ethnic Model – Myth or Reality?”
VOSS Christian, Humboldt-University Berlin.
“Heteroglossic groups along the Greek-Bulgarian border between othering and veneration (Sarakatsans, Pomaks, Slavophones)”
GINTIDIS Dimitris, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki.
“How and when should one speak of ‘Turks’?”
3. Discourses about the “Other”, Assumptions about the “Self”: Discourses of Otherness in Transition
VOULVOULI Aimilia, University of the Aegean.
“‘İlk ve en önemli çevreci’: Environmentalism and Secularism in contemporary Istanbul”
AVRAMOPOULOU Eirini, Cambridge University.
“Dethroning myths of othering: Uncanny women’s coalitions in Istanbul”
MUTLUER Nil, Central European University, Budapest.
“Women’s New Space in Turkey: Feminist or not?”
PAVLOVA Ioana, University of Sofia ‘’St. Kliment Ohridski’’.
“Gender differences. Woman between family and society”
18.30-21.00: Honorary Doctorate Award to Prof. Michael HERZFELD
Fotini TSIBIRIDOU, University of Macedonia.
Eftichia VOUTIRA, University of Macedonia.
Keynote lecture by Michael HERZFELD, Harvard University.
«Η κοινωνική παραγωγή των αντιπαραθέσεων και η παγκοσμιοποιημένη ιεράρχηση των αξιών: στερεότυπα και διεθνικά βιώματα στη σημερινή Ελλάδα και στα Βαλκάνια» (The Social Production of Difference in the Global Hierarchy of Value: The Stereotypical and the Transnational Experiential in Greece and the Balkans)
21.00: Opening reception (buffet)
Friday 25/02/2011
9.00-10.30: Common Session – History, Culture, Gender
Todor CEPREGANOV, Institute of National History, Skopje. “Historical Maps as Myths in the Balkans”
Raymond DETREZ, University of Gent. “The Phanariotes in Bulgarian Historical Mythology”
Nikolay ARETOV, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. “Fear and Desire: Foreign women in Bulgarian National Mythology”
10.30-11.00: Coffee break
11.00-13.00: Common Session – History, Culture, Gender
Bernard LORY, INALCO. “Who are ‘the Others’ , who are ‘We’ in Ottoman Manastir/Bitola?”
Bozidar JEZERNIK, University of Ljubljana. “Heroes, Enemies and the delineation of the dividing line between Us and Them”
Georgeta NAZARSKA, State University of Library Studies and IT, Sofia. “‘Other’ Woman: Myths, Images and Social Practices of Incomplete Femininity in the Bulgarian Cultural Context (19th -Mid 20th Century)”
Ger DUIJZINGS, University College London. “The Others in Us: Coming to Terms with Cultural Hybridity in Myth, Narrative, and Practice”
13.00-14.30: Lunch
14.30-16.00: Workshops
1. Practicing Citizenship:Education
KOTLAR–TRAJKOVA Natasha, Institute of National History, Skopje, & GUSHEVSKA Liljana, Institute of National History, Skopje.
“Perception of the Other in History Textbooks in the Republic of Macedonia”
MAGOS Kostas, University of Thessaly, Volos.
“‘If on a cold winter night a foreigner…’: Researching the perceptions of student kindergarten teachers about the ethnic Balkan ‘Other’”
SGATZOS Aristidis, Aegean University.
“Baba Noel and Yeni yil ağaç. Symbols of the Myth of Christmas in schools of the muslim minority”
2. Myths, Rituals and Performances:Otherness through Cultural Performances
DIMOV Ventsislav, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
“Expressing oneself through music: on some sides of organized ethnoactivisms of minorities in Bulgaria”
VLAEVA Ivanka, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
“When the Dreams Come True (Bollywood Music and Dance in Bulgaria)”
VOURLOUMIS Hypatia, Adjunct Faculty, CYA/Drury University.
“Mythic Being: The Sounds and Stances of An(Other) Balkan Embodiment”
3. Discourses about the “Other”, Assumptions about the “Self”:
Otherness and Textuality in a Historical Perspective (1st day)
RISTOVSKA-JOSIFOVSKA Biljana, Institute of National History, Skopje.
“Representation of Self and the Others in a Nineteenth Century Manuscript”
IOANNIDOU Alexandra, University of Athens.
“The Aegean Topic in Modern Slav-Macedonian Literature”
KONSTANTINOVA Yura, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
“Between Union and War – the Image of the Neighbours trough the Bulgarian Political Propaganda (1911-1919)”
16.00-16.30: Coffee break
16.30-18.00: Workshops
1. Practicing Citizenship:Education
“‘We’ and the ‘Others’ on the Balkans (Findings from an Empirical Research Among International Relations Students 1997-2007)’”
TAMISOGLOU Chrysa, University of East Anglia, UK.
“Pupils’ perceptions of the Balkan ‘other’”
GEORGIEV Lyubomir, Cyril and Methodius National Library, Sofia.
“The Question of the Other in the reminiscences of former pupils of the Bulgarian secondary schools in Adrianople”
2. Myths, Rituals and Performances:Otherness through Cultural Performances
SHKRELI Inis, University “Babeş-Bolyai”, Cluj-Napoca.
“The recreation of new myths during in communist Albania; interpreting Lenin, Marx and Engels ideology in traditional folk songs”
ROMBOU-LEVIDI Marica, Epirus Technological Institute of Education (TEI Epirus).
“Crying or singing…”
PAPACHRISTOFOROU Marilena, University of Ioannina.
“Comestible simulacra, passage rituals and myth relics: The search of otherness in a folktale example”
3. Discourses about the “Other”, Assumptions about the “Self”: Otherness and Textuality in a Historical Perspective (1st day)
KOCI Dorian, UFO University, Tirana.
“The self-identification of Albanians and of other nations in the region”
BALTSIOTIS Lambros, Panteion University, & SKOULIDAS Elias, Epirus Institute of Technology (TEI Epirus).
“Aspects of Greek “Myths” related to the History of the Albanians (from 19th century up to 21st century)”
POPOVA Zhana, University of Sofia.
“Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey: the Myth about the Balkan Paradise in Tourist Websites and Internet Forums”
18.00-20..00: Common Session - Representations and Cinema
Panos THEODORIDIS, architect - writer. “Via Egnatia: A Historical Account”
Giorgos KALOGERAS, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. “The ‘Bitter Bread’ and the ‘Second Motherland’: Filming Italian and Greek “New Immigration” to the U.S.A”
Dimitris KERKINOS, Thessaloniki International Film Festival. “Balkan cinema at the Thessaloniki International Film Festival”
Melek OZMAN, Filmmor Women’s Cooperative, Istanbul. “Presentation of Filmmor Women’s Cooperative and of the documentary film ‘70-80-90, Innocent, Insolent, Enticing’ (2010) by M. Özman”
Saturday 26/02/2011
9.00-10.30: Common Session – Minorities, Citizenship and Education
Ahmet ICDUYGU, European University Institute, Florence, and Koç University, Istanbul. “Why ‘citizenship’ cannot be a remedy for the minorities in the Balkans: ‘strengths of the historical legacies’ versus ‘weakness of the contemporary structures’”
Eftihia VOUTIRA, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki. “Paradoxes of ‘Otherness’ in Greek Asylum Practice”
Vassilis NITSIAKOS, University of Ioannina. “The “enslaved brothers” becoming others. The Greeks of Albania in Greece after 1990”
10.30-11.00: Coffee break
11.00-13.00: Common Session – Minorities, Citizenship and Education
Yael NAVARO-YASHIN, Cambridge University. “The Specter of Peace: ‘Division’ and ‘Settlement’ in International Governance, Anthropology, and Liberalism”
Miranda TERZOPOULOU, Academy of Athens. «They are byzantines too, which means our compatriots»
Christina KOULOURI, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Athens. “Confronting the Myths: A Transnational Experience of History Teaching in the Balkans”
Kenan CAYIR, Istanbul Bilgi University. “The Representation of the National Self and the Balkan People in Turkey’s New Schoolbooks”
13.00-14.30: Lunch
14.30-16.00: Workshops
1. Practicing Citizenship: Minorities and Ethnic Groups
SERBAN Stelu, Institute for South East European Studies, Bucharest.
“Discrete identities in South East Europe. Aromanians in Romania”
KOUMARIANOU Maria, President of the Greek Society for Ethnology.
“‘Nahni wa xfendik’, We and the others: Negotiation of multiple identities in the Maronite Community of Cyprus”
GAVRIILIDIS Akis, writer - translator.
“‘We Romans are crazy’: Pontic translations from myth to history (and vice versa)”
2. Myths, Rituals and Cultural Performances: Classifying “Others”
ALTUG Seda, University of Utrecht.
“The construction of Other through stigmatization and silencing in the nationalist performances: Annual ceremonies for the ‘liberation from the enemy occupation’ in Gaziantep, Turkey"
PEYCHEVA Lozanka, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
“Romfest – Temple or Kyuchekchiinitsa”
KATIC Mario, University of Zadar.
“Kondžilo – When the„other“ is not „The Other“?!”
3. Discourses about the “Other”, Assumptions about the “Self”: Otherness and Textuality in a Historical Perspective (2nd day)
HRANOVA Albena, Plovdiv University.
“Balkan Slaves and Masters: The Metaphor of ‘Slavery’ and the Myth of the Other in Bulgarian Nineteenth Century Culture”
SOTIROVIC Vladislav, Mykolas Romeris University (MRU).
“The Idea of Greater (United) Croatia by Pavao Ritter Vitezović”
TOKIC Ruza, Humboldt University of Berlin.
“The Greek-Serbian Friendship”
16.00-16.30: Coffee break
16.30-18.00: Workshops
1. Practicing Citizenship: Minorities and Ethnic Groups
BILMEZ Bulent, Bilgi University, Istanbul.
“Recent attempts toward the re-vision of suppressive policies of Kemalist regime toward the non-Muslims in Turkey: Confronting and/or reproducing the myths on non-Muslims in the academic and popular historiography and media”
YIAKOUMAKI Vassiliki, University of Thessaly, Volos.
“Myths of Jews ‘after the fact’, and other Greek realities of the present”
GIAKOUMIS Kostas, University of New York in Tirana.
“The Myth of the 'Damned' Jews and the Reality of Christian-Jewish Symbiosis in Epiros and Albania During the First Half of the 19th Century”
2. Myths, Rituals and Cultural Performances: Classifying “Others”
TROEVA Evgenia, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
“A Muslim Saint or a Conqueror: Myths and the Religious Other”
APOSTOLIDOU Anna, University College London.
“‘The Making of Balkan Wars’: Virtually articulating a critique of Balkan mythologies”
LILOVA Desislava.
“Role Playing the Other: Historical Canon and LARP Subculture in Bulgaria”
3. Discourses about the “Other”, Assumptions about the “Self”: Otherness and Textuality in a Historical Perspective (2nd day)
CHUPESKA Ana, Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje.
“A comparative approach to various explanations of Otherness”
OLIMID Anca Parmena, University of Craiova.
“Religion and the Politics of Myth-Making in the Balkans: the Role of Church-State Relations in forming a Collective Identity”
KALINSKI Gjorgji, National Conservation Centre of Cultural Heritage (NKC), Skopje.
“Macedon: Communicating the Reality or Myth? An interrogation by the provisions of Franklin Rudolf Ankersmit’s theory on aesthetic political representation”
18.00-20.00: Common Session – Performances and Theatre
Aigli BROUSKOU, American College of Thessaloniki, & Serap KAYATEKIN, American College of Thessaloniki. “‘The first Georgian woman to ever arrive to Greece was Medea. And you know what happened to her’. Interpretations and uses of the Medea myth by Georgian female immigrants in Thessaloniki”
Sotiris CHATZAKIS, artistic director of the State Theatre of Northern Greece. “The Folk Song of the Dead Brother in the Balkans: An Experience from a Nomad Theatrical Performance”
Alex RAJKOVICH, theatrical director. “Hamlet performed by Gypsies”
20.00: Farewell diner
Τετάρτη 2 Φεβρουαρίου 2011
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